Proactive Leader

Proactive Leader

Proactive Leader is a member of Hankook & Company who achieves the goal by
putting a challenge into action with constant self-innovation.

Proactive Leader

The four core values are the standard for behavior and
work of the Proactive Leader.
Proactive Leader - Hankook & Company Official Website


PassionA proactive leader with passion always indulges him-/herself in his/her job with unmatch entrepreneurship.

  • Know the company’s direction and vision from management's viewpoint and work accordingly.
  • Use company resources under plan as if they are your own.
  • Take ownership of the company and think and speak accordingly.
  • Concentrate and be fully immersed in work.
  • Plan in detail and take action to accomplish goals.
  • Enjoy work itself.


InnovationAn innovative proactive leader thinks in a creative manner and keeps pushing him-/herself to the limit in the implementation.

  • Begin all things with the creation of ideas.
  • Keep asking "why?" as you work.
  • Imagine beyond boundaries.
  • Engage in rational debate without fear of criticism.
  • Never settle on the status quo; set and execute challenging goals.
  • Use lessons from failure as a foundation for the next challenge.


CollaborationA proactive leader driving trust is active in communicating with others with full integrity.

  • Create common ground for communication.
  • Proactively communicate, regardless of age, position, or department.
  • Interact in the most efficient way, without thought of formalities or traditions.
  • Understand and respect each other and cooperate for the common good.
  • Trust and empower other members with the authority required for them to do their job properly.
  • Preserve integrity and honesty at work.


GlobalA globally proactive leader keeps track of latest trends and works to be among the best in his/her area of expertise.

Trend Leading
  • Lead others based on an understanding of global economics, the industry, and trends.
  • Understand global standards and have respect for different thoughts and values.
  • Improve verbal communication skills.
Pursuing the best
  • Be professional and second-to-none in your field, with extensive knowledge and experience.
  • Continue developing to become a top expert.
  • Behave in a refined way with self-esteem.