
  • Careers

    Hankook & Company provides full supports for the development of its members with firm belief
    that the growth of its staff is the growth of Hankook Technology. We are building a flexible and
    agile HR system for making progressive changes in the way executives and employees work
    together and driving the company towards challenging goals.
Personnel Management System

I'd like to apply to
Hankook & Company,
and I have questions!

How does your job position system work?
At our company, we acknowledge the positions as different "roles" rather than "ranks."
Since 2017, our company has reduced the levels of positions to create an environment where the employees can be promoted to managers quicker according to their capabilities. It also provides a foundation to change our perception of vertical positions in a company as difference in roles rather than ranks. In addition, along with the reorganization of positions, the seniority-based title system was also discontinued, and all staff were required to address each other by their names with a suffix "-Nim." This allows us to respect one another as individuals, allowing an easier exchange of opinions and creation of good ideas through a flexible thinking.

Youngwoo Kim

Could tell me about your evaluation-compensation system?
Hankook & Company staff set their own challenging goals and self-evaluate the innovative and challenging aspects of the process, which determines the level of compensation.
Hankook & Company does not evaluate the staff's quantitative achievement of their goals or whether they have fulfilled instructions correctly. Instead, we assess if the process of achievement itself was as challenging and innovative as the goals set by the staff, and reflect it in their evaluation. What the performance management of Hankook Tire pursues is a system of guaranteed compensation for competent staff by evaluation their overall performance in ① the flexibility and agility of their goals, ② real-time progress management, and ③ the degree of achievement and their workstyle. By doing so, we are making innovative changes in their workstyle and strengthening their capabilities as a source of successful outcomes.

Yera Kong

How do I get promoted to upper management?
We have a promotion system where staff can be put on the fast track of promotion based on their capabilities, not seniority.
Hankook Tire has a sophisticated promotion system designed to eliminate seniority-based elements while making bold early promotions and compensations based on the capabilities of the staff. We have a "pre-emptive promotion system" that selects competent staff based on their abilities and makes the most out of it. With the elimination of the standard training period for each position, any staff, even a newly joined staff, can open up opportunities for success and get promoted to, say, a team manager position as soon as his/her capabilities has been proved. By eliminating the seniority-based promotion practice and laying the foundation for bold selections of talented staff, they can focus more on self-directed development and fulfillment of their roles, and become the major players who continuously engage in challenging innovations regardless of their position and age.

Hyungseok Kim

Can we work overseas?
Hankook & Company is a global enterprise. Many employees are working as resident employees at overseas branches, subsidiaries and plants. There are also many opportunities to work overseas for a short period through overseas business trips/secondment.
Hankook & Company engages in marketing, sales, research and production activities in over 180 countries around the world.
Employees are faithfully playing their parts in these countries, aspiring to grow into global leaders.
They are given opportunities to work overseas according to their competencies regardless of age and position.
As regional and job specialists, they make great contributions to the growth of Hankook & Company across the world.

Dasom Park

Training System

Based on the unique training philosophy of
Hankook & Company, we actively support the development of capabilities of our staff.

What type of training systems does Hankook & Company offer for the staff's capability development?
We achieve individual growth through workplace learning, mutual learning, and full-time learning.
We support self-directed learning through the IDP (Independent Development Plan) and the regular capability management system. In addition, we can acquire work-related insights and ideas from communicating with colleagues through mentoring, OJT, workshops, CoP, and other mutual learning methods. We also operate an open process for leadership and job competency development, and the staff can liberally select the process he/she wants to develop the competency. Furthermore, we support the development of capabilities through seminars, forums, and open education conducted from outside.

Wonwoo Choi

Every staff has a duty to learn and grow from the experience of their work and relationships with colleagues, and the company fully supports the growth of every individual.

Work & Life

Keeping Work-Life Balance

Keeping Work-Life Balance, H KIDZ

Hankook & Company understands that daily happiness begins with the stability in family, and we are operating H KIDZ so that staff members can focus on their work and time without having to worry about childbirth and child care. The newly equipped green facility employs experienced teachers and provides specialized programs for each age group, allowing Hankook & Company staff to entrust their children during working hours. Based on healthy and dependable childcare, Hankook & Company staff are able to foster a strong and true family.

Careers - Hankook & Company Official Website

Company Club Activities: Developing New Abilities (Community of Practices)

Hankook & Company actively promotes voluntary memberships in various club activities to help employees find their potential and develop new capabilities, which will, in turn, encourage intra-company communications. In particular, we introduced the Community of Practices (CoP) program that ultimately aims to provide Hankook & Company staff with true fulfillment in their life. The CoP program consists of education, sports and hobby elements geared to each employee's interests, while the Heart Sharing CoP program operates a variety of external activities including voluntary work.

Careers - Hankook & Company Official Website

Health Improvement Program: Strengthening Staff Health

We operate clinics and oriental medicine centers to monitor the health of all staff at Hankook & Company. At these facilities, employees can take advantage of professional health and medical services including industrial-related medical advice and guidance on a regular basis. In addition, professional nutritionists are thoroughly managing salinity control and food hygiene in the staff cafeteria for efficient health management. We also provide health improvement centers, open 24 hours a day, which provides information on general health management and chronic disease prevention, and one-on-one guidance from sports training professionals.

Careers - Hankook & Company Official Website
Who can join
Hankook & Company

Careers - Hankook & Company Official Website

Hankook & Company seeks Proactive Leaders

Proactive Leaders are those who understand, act,
and practice according to our core values,
and those
 who achieve their goals through constant self-innovation.